• About Michael Longo

    Marriage and Family Therapist

    Intimate relationships bring joy and pain to each of us.  No deep partnership is without disappointments, confusion, and an experience of minor or major betrayals.  Yet these predictable challenges invite us to broaden our capacity for understanding and enter new depths of intimacy as we repair and heal. As a marriage and family therapist with a focus on sexuality I believe that no matter what the difficulty, we can all reshape our relationships to have the kind of deep connections we yearn for.

    I specialize in working with couples who are experiencing difficulties in intimacy. These disruptions often emerge from pre-existing patterns which undermine communication and sexual expression. Sexual difficulties are often driven by anxiety and shame that interrupts performance, pleasure or deep closeness. Communication struggles are shaped by our unique experience of attachment.  Attachment and sexuality are intertwined and form the foundation for deep intimacy. I help couples increase their understanding  of both and develop the new relationship skills to enhance communication, sexual expression  and the deep understanding.

    Over the last 30 years I have helped couples, families and larger social systems discover new approaches to quickly solve previously insurmountable problems. In addition to my work with couples and families I have developed and led family therapy training and research programs in Massachusetts, Delaware and Maryland and assisted public and private health care systems to provide more effective, relationship focused treatment for their clients.

    I believe deeply in the human ability to repair and heal. And it’s my experience that when we respond to a relationship challenge by seeking help we embrace our own important power of growth. My strength based, brief treatment approach is built on collaboration, curiosity, and humor. All three are key to creating your relational toolkit and deepening your ability to connect to others.